Race Carver

Nordica - Dobermann GSR EVO EDT

Technical details

Length: 167 / 172 / 176 / 182 / 186 cm
Radius: 19,5m / 182
Sidecut: 115 / 71 / 100 mm
Price + Binding: EUR 899,99


This ski boasts a lot of energy that you will have to direct in to the right channels. If you confront the Dobermann with the required dominance, you will experience all the priviledges of this race machine that allows the most aggressive short turns and remains ultimately stable with wide radii. Our undisputed test winner!

What are Race Carver?

Weltcuporientierter Riesenslalomski mit extremer Laufruhe auch im obersten Tempobereich. Bester Kantengriff bei mittleren bis längeren Schwungradien auf harter Piste.

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