Easy Carver

Blizzard - X-Power 770 Ti

Technical details

Length: cm
Radius: 13,5m / 167cm
Sidecut: 123 / 77 / 105 mm
Price + Binding: EUR 324,00


The X-Power 770 Ti is just as multidimensional as your aspirations: Due to the early rise rocker it will easily adapt to all kinds of slopes and levels of expertise. This is why it is apt for both recreational skiers and experts, who like to explore their personal limits in difficult terrain.

What are Easy Carver?

Drehfreudiger, fehlerverzeihender und leicht kontrollierbarer Carver für fast alle Schnee- und Pistenbedingungen. Für den unteren bis mittleren Tempobereich, bei kürzeren bis mittleren Schwungradien.

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