Slalom Carver

Atomic - Redster S9 Revo

Technical details

Length: 155 / 160 / 170 / 171 cm
Radius: 12,5 m
Sidecut: 118 / 68 / 104 mm
Price + Binding: EUR 1000


The unique feature of the Redster S9 Revo is the Revoschock System
after which the ski has been named. The system consists of spring steel
modules embedded into an elastomer which efficiently absorbs chatter. Due to
the directional stability achieved by this, the skier gets the chance to concentrate on the essentials, namely the ideal fall line.

What are Slalom Carver?

Drehfreudiger und trotzdem richtungsstabiler Carver. Auf harten Pisten selbst im oberen Tempobereich beste Eisgriffi gkeit bei kürzeren Schwungradien.

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